Quiz: What is Your Ideal Work Space?


You are ready to sit down and get some work done, but for some reason you just cannot get into the right mindset to hunker down and be productive. What are you supposed to do? Well, the culprit might be your workspace! Take the following quiz to help determine what work space will work best for you:


Choose the answer that best fits you:

1. What type of soundscape makes you feel the most productive?

A. Absolute silence. If I could soundproof the walls, I would!

B. Soft music or nature sounds, like classical music or waves on a beach.

C. The gentle bustle of a coffee house; I’m a part of the action, but it’s not distracting.

D. I’m like Issac Asimov, baby—sit me down in the center of a booming town square and I feed off the energy to fuel my productivity!


2.  What color palate most appeals to you?

A. Crisp, clean colors like white and black. I’m a no-frills kind of person.

B. Muted colors like pastels, I’m all about softness and relaxation.

C. Earth tones like green and blue alongside dark wood.

D. Bright, fun colors like neon! Life is a party and I’m not about to miss a minute of it!


3. What are your feelings about clutter?

A. Ugh, clutter is the enemy! It’s so distracting and I can’t focus.

B. I don’t mind a little clutter, but other than a mug that needs to make its way back to the kitchen, I’d rather keep things neat.

C. I don’t want precarious piles stacked everywhere, but I like having some photos and other artsy inspiration around me to make my space feel personalized instead of sparse.

D. An empty desk signals an empty mind! I thrive off of chaos!


4. When is your favorite time of the day to be productive?

A. First thing in the morning before everyone else is awake. The early bird gets the worm!

B. Definitely in the morning before lunch; I love to work in the morning to leave my afternoons for whatever else needs doing!

C. Ugh, what is with these morning people? Afternoons all the way!

D. I’m a complete and total night owl. When the moon is high, my creative juices are flowing!


5. What is your favorite Bod•ē Pro product of these options?

A. Strong OG

B. Bod•ē Happy

C. Bod•ē Happy

D. Verve



If you selected mostly A’s: You are a minimalist and would do well to keep that in mind while creating your work space. Clean spaces, open desktops, and silence while you work are going to be most beneficial to your productivity. However, life has a way of interrupting our flow so try and set up clear boundaries and parameters for yourself so you can achieve your goals while still allowing a little room for flexibility.


If you selected mostly B’s: Your workspace is all about intentional choices. You like a more minimalist space, but you love to have a few tokens like framed photographs around and some soft music playing in the background. Fire up some classical music or a white noise machine to help you stay on track.


If you selected mostly C’s: Silence is too deafening for you; you are much better suited to a low key environment with just enough bustle to provide background noise to keep you focused. If you are not able to actually work in a coffee shop or somewhere similar, you can duplicate the environment at home or your office! Check out YouTube videos like this one to enjoy the background noise you crave without having to actually go to a coffee shop. Oh, and make sure all of those coffee mugs make it back to the kitchen at the end of your work day!


If you selected mostly D’s: You are most at home in madness and chaos! Bright colors and clutter don’t bother you in the slightest and you need a busy workspace to help fuel your creativity. Embrace the fun and create a space that feeds that side of you—just be sure you don’t let it get too out of hand to the point where you can’t find that really important document you need. Think of it as organized chaos—have fun, but don’t misplace anything important!