5 Simple Home Office Exercises

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One of the advantages to working from home is that you can set your own schedule and make time to exercise. However, we have all experienced those work days when things pop up unexpectedly and time gets away from you. Perhaps you planned to go for a jog or spend some time on your yoga mat, but a full workout just was not in the cards after that last minute Zoom call. Never fear—we have you covered! Be sure to speak with your physician before starting any new diet or exercise routine, and check out these five exercises you can do at your desk to help tide you over on the days when your ideal schedule is not available:

1.      Stretch. Interlace your fingers and stretch your arms high above your head, palms reaching towards the ceiling. Your shoulders will thank you after spending hours hunched over a keyboard!

2.      Tricep Dips. Stand beside a stable surface, such as your desk. Turn so that your back is facing your desk, stand with your feet together, and place your palms on either side of you on the desk. Bend your knees while keeping your palms on your desk, and then raise back up with control. Repeat 10-15 times, or until that next email pings your inbox.

3.      Leg Raises. Finally, a covert exercise you can do during that Zoom call that definitely could have been an email. Place your hands on either side of your chair for stability, straighten your legs, and lift both legs at once under your desk with control, engaging your core muscles. Lower slowly and repeat until you can finally end that video chat!

4.      Squats. Get up on your feet and stretch those legs! Stand behind your chair with your feet hip width apart and place your hands on the back of the chair. Slowly bend your knees and lower down until you are in a sitting position, then slowly rise back up. Repeat 10-15 times. Note: we do not necessarily recommend doing this one during a Zoom call, but you do you.

5.      Calf Raises. While listening to coworkers’ voicemails that feel like they are as long as podcasts, stand beside your desk and slowly raise and lower yourself on your toes. Your calves will appreciate the stimulation after you have spent all day at your desk!


What are your favorite ways to find your fitness while working from home? Tag us on social media @therealbodepro and show us how you #FindYourFitness!